Demonstration Lectures Give You Professional Auditing Ability

Clouds and foreshore in Canberra. Dianetics and Scientology Canberra.

Product Description

Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics has remained a best seller for more than 50 years. And with more than 22 million copies in print, it’s undisputedly the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind.

Here is a set of four demonstration lectures by L. Ron Hubbard showing audiences how to counsel using Dianetics. The lectures vary in size up to the Shrine auditorium in Los Angeles which held thousands.

Also in these lectures L. Ron Hubbard describes how he arrived at his discoveries and what research he went through to get there.

If you are serious about learning how to audit Dianetics, you really aught to listen to and own a set of these demonstration lectures. The lectures were given in 1950 and have been painstakingly restored to to the best audio reproduction available. It is as though you are there, in the auditorium, with L. Ron Hubbard.

Having these lectures will sharpen your counseling, and even improve your ability to get better results in your own counseling.

4 Lecture Set (5 CDs).


Here is also a set of DVDs to also help you quickly understand the concept of the book.

There is also Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

There are other Dianetics Books.

And there are lectures of Dianetics that were recorded over seventy years ago.

And here is more information about the author, L. Ron Hubbard.

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