Lose Your Irrational Fear. Why keep it?

Clouds and atmosphere over the lake. Dianetics and Scientology Canberra.

Be free of it naturally.

To lose a parent, a child and feel fear when such a loss is impending again, is normal and rational. It warns you and helps us survive.

But there are irrational fears, like those that haunt us at night, the fear in the shadows of the mind that do not make sense. These fears no longer serve us.

Irrational fears are real. They originate from a common source, the reaction mind. You do not have to live with irrational fears. They can be dispelled naturally. Millions have done this already and are very pleased they did so.

Ever met someone who, for no obvious reason, scares you? Ever creep around the office or house scared that you will be shocked by someone? Scared or being alone? Terrified? Ever feel just going to the shops is too scary, yet there is no reason for it?

Ever become scared of your spouse, and again, no real reason for it? Have you ever get the feeling you are being cheated on, spied upon, and yet there is no reason for it? Ever think the worst, and again, no reason for it? Are you constantly worried, and have to keep justifying it to yourself and your family? This is a natural phenomena. It is not good, but it is natural. This means, something natural can be done about it.

Irrational fears can cost you. Living life with irrational fear can cost your family, your self respect, and perhaps even your sanity. But you can dispel these naturally now with Dianetics.

Read about where these fears come from. Read about how to be rid of them for good.

“The reactive mind is possessed by everyone. No human being examined anywhere was discovered to be without one or without aberrative content….”

This is a natural counseling therapy and for millions it has been effective. People are all different. But the reactive mind is what they all have in common. Buy this book and work it out.  You read it. You judge. It works.

Dianetics is the real solution.

“The reactive mind is possessed by everyone. No human being examined anywhere was discovered to be without one or without aberrative content….

Dianetics is a natural counseling therapy that anyone can learn and for millions it has been effective. People are all different. But the reactive mind is what they all have in common. Buy this book and work it out.  Learn it for yourself. Understand yourself.

You read it. You judge.


Here is also a set of DVDs to also help you quickly understand the concept of the book. https://www.myreligion-canberra-dmsmh.com.au/2019/10/03/dianetics-dvd-2/

There is also Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

There are other Dianetics Books.

And there are lectures of Dianetics that were recorded over seventy years ago.

And here is more information about the author, L. Ron Hubbard. https://www.myreligion-canberra-lrh.com.au/

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